and the area or item in which it is placed will be closed
covered with strippable coating and bituminous coating,
and sealed immediately.
in that order.
(3) Lacquer-resisting synthetic primer. The
(5) Strippable coating. Strippable coating will be
primer is applied to metal clutch and brake drums to
applied by spraying to a thickness of approximately
prevent corrosion. Clutch and brake facings will be
0.040 inch, in order to obtain good resistance to water
removed or held clear of the surfaces to which the primer
vapor transmission. Seams, joints, and small apertures
has been applied until thoroughly dry. It is not necessary
can be sealed best by direct application of the coating.
to remove the primer prior to use. The first operation of
Prior application of tape or suitable exterior grade
the mechanism will cause the primer to be removed as a
plywood or metal blanks is desirable only for the sealing
fine dust.
(4) Pressure-sensitive tape. Where the tape is
of apertures too large to be bridged by the compound.
Since strippable coating at best provides only moderate
applied in flat strips to bridge openings adhesives
resistance to water vapor, it will be overcoated with
conforming to FED MMM-A-189 will be applied to the
bituminous coating in all cases where it is desired to seal
boundaries of the area to be covered in order to improve
any opening of appreciable surface area for
the adhesion of the tape. Best results are obtained if the
tape is applied while the compound is slightly tacky.
When applied to bridge openings, it will normally be