operating level with P-10, preservative lubricating oil,
grade 30.
type I or II, grade 30.
b. Lubricated Type (Without Integral Lubricating
a. Dry Disc Type. No preservation required.
System). The interior surfaces of the governor housing
b. Band and Shoe Type. No preservation required.
will be atomized sprayed with P-10, preservative
c. Cone Type. No preservation required.
lubricating oil, type I or II, grade 30.
d. Jaw Type. No preservation required.
c. Dry-Type. No preservation required.
e. Clutch Air Cylinder. The exposed surfaces of the
piston rod will be coated with P-10, preservative
lubricating oil, type I or II, grade 30.
50. Reduction Gears. Reduction type gears having
f. Hydraulic Clutch Control. Where the clutch is
separate lubricating systems will be inspected for level of
operated by a hydraulic system, the hydraulic housing
will be filled to operating level with approved operating
lubricant. Add lubricant specified by the applicable
fluid. The exposed surfaces of the piston rod will be
lubrication order to raise existing lubricant to operating
coated with P-10, preservative lubricating oil, type I or II,
level or if contaminated, drain the lubricant, flush the r
grade 30.
compressed air and thoroughly drain. The cleaned gear
case will be filled to operating level with approved
56. Brakes.
lubricant and operated under no load to insure coating of
a. Air Brakes. The air brake system will be drained of
all interior surfaces and components. If impracticable to
operate, agitate the lubricant with dry compressed air
drain plugs and blown dry with dry compressed air. The
sufficiently to insure coverage of gears and internal parts
system will be left open as much as possible to permit
of the housing. The flexible tube employed for air
ventilation Removed drain plugs will be bagged,
agitation will be of a smaller diameter than the opening of
identified and secured on or near the place of use.
the housing so that pressure will be released
b. Hydraulic Brakes. The hydraulic brake system
simultaneously with the agitation process.
will be filled to operating level with hydraulic fluid required
by the applicable lubrication order or technical manual.
c. Handbrakes. No preservation required.
51. Inclosed Gears.
Oil lubricated gears not otherwise
provided for will be inspected for level of lubricant and for
57. Air Compressors. The operating lubricant will be
lubricant specified the applicable lubrication order to
raise existing lubricant to operating level or if
crankcase refilled with P-10, preservative lubricating oil,
contaminated, drain the lubricant, flush the gear housing
type I or II, grade 30. The air line will be disconnected
with type P-3 preservative. Agitate with dry compressed
from the compressor. The air cleaner will be removed
air, and thoroughly drain. The cleaned gear case will be
and, while the compressor is being operated, 4 or 5
filled to operating level with approved lubricant and
ounces of P-10, preservative lubricating oil, type I or II,
operated under no load to insure coating of all interior
grade 30, will be sprayed into the air intake. The
surfaces and components. If impracticable to operate,
compressor will be operated a sufficient length of time to
agitate the lubricant with dry compressed air sufficiently
assure coverage of all internal surfaces. The air cleaner
to insure coverage of gears and internal parts of the
and line will be reinstalled
housings. The flexible tubing employed for air agitation
will be of a smaller diameter than the opening of the
58. Tanks.
housing so that pressure will be released simultaneously
a Gasoline, Diesel, Oil and Air Tanks. Gasoline
with the agitation process.
diesel, oil and air tanks will be drained, cleaned and
thoroughly dried. Filler cap and drain plugs will be
52. Exposed Gears. Nonprecision exposed gears will
bagged, identified and secured on or near the point of
be coated with P-10, preservative lubricating oil, type I or
use. All valves will be opened to allow circulation of air.
II, grade 30.
b. Water Tanks. All water tanks will be
53. Drive Belt and Pulleys. The
tension of
all drive
belts will be released. No preservation required.
54. Exposed Drive Chains. Exposed drive chains will
be coated with preservative lubricating oil, type I or II,