Chapter 1. INTRODUCTIONComponent DataChapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSection III. DETAILED FUNCTION OF EQUIPMENTTraction Motors and Switching Devices - TM-55-12790007Safety PrecautionsSection IV. STARTING THE POWER PLANTMultiple Unit OperationSection VI. OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENTFigure 2. Wick settingFigure 4. Bell ringer operating valve.Chapter 3. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCompressor AssemblySection II. LUBRICATIONFigure 5. LO-55-1279, Locomotive, Diesel Electric (56 " Gage, 44 Ton, 0-4-4-0, 400 HP, Davenport Besler)Figure 5. LO-55-1279, Locomotive, Diesel Electric (56 " Gage, 44 Ton, 0-4-4-0, 400 HP, Davenport Besler) (cont)Figure 6. Packing axle bearingsMain JournalsSection III. GENERAL MAINTENANCESequence Test of Control EquipmentTesting Motor RotationSection V. TROUBLESHOOTINGComplete Failure of Electrical PowerSection VII. TRACTION GENERATORFigure 8. Traction generator outline.Brushholder and BrushesFigure 9. Traction generator field wiring diagram.Dismantling and Assembling GeneratorFigure 10. Traction generator bearing puller tools.Assembling Generator.Figure 11. Traction generator bearing assembly.Section VIII. AUXILIARY GENERATORFigure 12. Auxiliary generator outline.Figure 13. Auxiliary Generator bearing assembly.Figure 14. Auxiliary Generator bearing puller.Figure 15. Auxiliary Generator field wiring diagram.Section IX. TRACTION MOTORFigure 16. Traction motor outline.Hot Axle BearingsCommutatorRemoval of Traction Motor Pinions.Removal of Armature from Motor.Removal of the Commutator End Bearing.Figure 17. Traction motor pinion and bearing tools.Assembly of Commutator End, Armature Ball Bearing.Figure 18. Traction motor field wiring diagram.Figure 19. Traction motor armature bearing assembly.Section X. MISCELLANEOUS CONTROL EQUIPMENTMagnet ValvesFigure 21. Reverser outlineInlet valve leakage.Figure 24. Valve setting gage.Checking and Adjusting Inverted Valves.Figure 28. Method of grinding standard valve.Magnetic Contactors InterlockRelay Panel Type UV-56Type M ResistorsMaintenance.Figure 30. Method of holding regulator armature when tightening screws.Relay Armature and Contacts. Section XI. SPEED INDICATING EQUIPMENTFigure 33. Speed indicator mounting dimensions.Section XII. KEROSENE BURNING HEATERSCorrecting Sticking WicksSection XIII. INTERNAL BELL RINGER ASSEMBLYSection XIV. OIL FILTERFigure 41. Oil filter.Section XV. COMPRESSOR GOVERNORFigure 42. Diagrammatic view of the NS-16 governor.Section XVI. BATTERY INSTRUCTIONSVoltage Regulator AdjustmentAdding WaterVent Plugs, GeneralSpecific Gravity Reduction with AgeTemperature Hot BatteryInspection--Record of Battery PerformanceMonthly Battery InspectionShopping Complete Battery or only One TrayFigure 43. Lubrication oil piping diagram.Figure 44. Locomotive wiring diagram.Rules and PrecautionsINDEX - TM-55-12790085INDEX (cont)TM-55-1279 Diesel Electric 56 Gage 44 Ton 0-4-4-0 400 HP Davenport Besler Manual