(10) Pack the lower half of the grease pocket
(6) Wrap the bearing in a protective covering
leaving the grease in the bearing.
in the outer bearing cap full with grease.
Place the cap and gasket in place and
The grease in the bearing will serve to
bolt to the cartridge.
prevent rusting. The bearing must be well
(11) Some portion of the grease in the bearing
cleaned and inspected before reassembly.
cap must make contact with the bearing
d. Assembling Armature Bearing. Refer to
when assembled.
11 as a
guide for proper bearing assembly.
(12) Check to make sure that the grease fitting
(1) Block the armature in a horizontal
is not damaged.
e. Assembling Generator.
(2) Clean all parts thoroughly before starting
(1) Assemble the generator in a horizontal
to assemble.
Carefully inspect the
bearing for cracks, pitting or excessive
(2) Protect the commutator by wrapping it
with heavy fishpaper.
(3) When placing the armature back in the
frame the two armature removal studs
Care must always be taken to keep
inserted in the tapped holes of the bearing
all dirt and grit away from the ball
cartridge act as a guide to bring the
bearing cartridge into position, thus lining
up with the bolt holes in the housing.
(3) Place the inside grease thrower and
(4) Lift the armature with a heavy rope
bearing in a high-temperature oil at a
around the core and move it slowly into
temperature of 100C. (212 .). Support
the frame. Use a piece of pipe over the
these parts approximately two inches
shaft extension at the commutator end to
above the bottom of the oil container to
guide the armature into place. Take care
allow dirt to drop below the bearing and to
that the armature does not rub the poles
prevent the heat from striking the bearing
and that the commutator does not rub the
brushholder boxes.
(4) Pack the grease pocket in the bearing
(5) It may be found that some force is needed
cartridge half full with grease. Place the
to pull the bearing cartridge into place in
cartridge over the shaft and slide it all the
the commutator end housing. To obtain
way back against the commutator.
this force use two bolts (longer than the
(5) Remove the grease thrower from the hot
bolts regularly used for holding the
oil, wipe off the excess oil. Shrink the
cartridge to the housing) to pull the
thrower on the shaft with the chamfered
bearing cartridge close enough to its final
side out and hold it in place solidly against
position in the housing that the regular
the shoulder on the shaft with a bucking-
bolts can be put in and tightened.
up tool until it has cooled.
(6) Replace the coupling disk and the fan
(6) Remove the bearing from the hot oil; wipe
off the inner and outer fits and slip into
(7) Remove the fishpaper from around the
place on the shaft. Hold the bearing
commutator and lower the brushes.
solidly against the grease thrower until
f. Lining-up Single-Bearing Generator with Engine.
(1) See that the contact faces of the
(7) Apply the bearing lockwasher and locknut
and lock securely.
flywheel and the bell housing fits are
(8) Fill the spaces between the balls in the
clean with no burrs or rough spots.
bearing with grease as specified on figure
(2) Check the coupling face of the engine
flywheel to make sure it is perpendicular
(9) Allow the bearing to cool so as to be
to the axis of the crankshaft. This is best
contracted; then slide the cartridge into
done by fixing a surface gage rigidly to
place over the bearing.
the engine bedplate and recording the