than regular line-haul service despite additional terminal
or equipment cost, substantiating data for each such
case will be forwarded for handling to Commander,
MTMC, ATTN: MTMC-INO, with the appropriate military
service at department level. This requirement does not
apply to DOD trailers which:
Are used in roll-on/roll-off service.
By and in themselves, constitute the
freight shipped.
Plan IV. Approval for use of this plan must be
obtained from HQ MTMC. When Plan IV provides
definite service advantages and its use appears
desirable, substantiating data for each such case will be
forwarded to Commander, MTMC, ATTN: MTMC-INO,
for handling with the appropriate military service at the
departmental level.
g. Plan V. This plan will be given full
consideration as a competitive method of transportation,
except when its use is precluded by reasons as outlined
for Plan I.
h. Ammunition and explosives. Consideration of
movement of ammunition and explosives via piggyback
service should be included in the cost and service
particularly to traffic to and from installations which have
restrictions against shipment and receipt of
these commodities in rail cars. The requirements of the
publications listed below must be observed.
3. References.
a. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations
(49 CFR 174 et seq.) published as Agent R. M.
Graziano's Tariff, subpart A Loading, Unloading,
Placarding and Handling Cars and Loading Packages
into Cars; paragraph 174.525(C)(3) Certified Car and
Car Certificates; paragraph 174.526(C) (1), (2), (3), and
(4) Class A and B Explosives, when appropriate;
paragraph 174.530(B) Class C Explosives.
b. US Army Materiel Command Drawing 19-48-D-
ORDJU-2440 entitles "Special Bulkhead Braces for
Open Top and Closed Vans and Flat-bed Trailers
Hauling Ammunition and/or components, Explosives
and Other Dangerous Articles via Traileron-Flat-Car
(TOFC)" prescribes approved methods of modifying
vehicles to meet military requirements in this area.
Bureau of explosives Pamphlet No. 6C entitled
"Illustrating Methods for Loading and Bracing Trailers
and Less Than Trailer Shipments of Explosives and
Other Dangerous Articles via Trailer-on-Flat-Car (TOFC)
or Container-on-Flat-Car (COFC)."