TM 55-2200-001-12
Change 4
The location of the critical points outside the PPI gauge.
The permissible weight per metre and the maximum axle loading of the rail wagon (i.e. tare plus
load divided by the number of axles).
Information on Circulation Possibilities for the Load within Envelope Graphs A and B According to
the Type or Category of Wagon shown in Column (2). One of the following five symbols will appear
in the "Group" column:
"-" Sign (minus). The out-of-gauge load comes within the PPI gauge. (The load is only
exceptional because of its weight). The SNCP is the only Railway Administration to prepare a
loading sketch whenever a load has any special features.
Letter "A". The exceptional load is outside the PPI gauge heightwise only, but comes within
Envelope A.
Letter "B". The exceptional load is outside the PPI gauge widthwise, and possibly heightwise,
but comes within Envelope B with a lower limit of 1.185 m.
Letter "B*". The exceptional load is outside the PPI gauge widthwise, and possible heightwise
but comes within Envelope B with a lower limit of 1.185 m.
+ Sign (plus). The exceptional load is not compatible with Envelope B.
Procedure for Cancelling Sheets
In order to limit the size of the sketchbooks, outdated vehicle sheets must be withdrawn. As, however, certain
vehicles may be used by several countries, it is first essential to ensure that the vehicle is no longer in service with any of
the Armed Forces.
For this purpose, the Military Authorities will forward to their Railway Administration, by 1 January each year, a list
of the numbers of the sheets which they wish to delete. These lists will be notified to the DB, which will prepare an up to
date list and forward this to all Administrations for agreement. The DB will then notify the Administrations of the numbers
of the sheets which it has been unanimously agreed to delete in the form of a corrigendum to the list of vehicles and
other equipment for which a sheet is included in the unified sketchbook.
Change 4 CC-11