TM 55-2210-223-12TO 45A2-2-14-41CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONSection I. GENERAL INFORMATION1-1. SCOPEMODEL NUMBER AND NAME: RS-4-TC-1A, 60-ton diesel-electric locomotive.PURPOSE OF EQUIPMENT: Used for yard switching. Can be used as a single unit or connected in multiple unitoperation under one operator.TYPE OF MANUAL: Operator and Unit Maintenance.a.This manual is published for the use of personnel engaged in the operation, inspection, and maintenance of the60-ton diesel-electric locomotive. It shall be used as a guide for regulations, standards, and proceduresgoverning such work assignments.b.Operation covers normal locomotive movement in usual and unusual conditions, inspections and precautions tobe observed before and after operations in order to avoid damage to the equipment or personnel injury, andmaintenance as it pertains to the engine crew's responsibilities.c.Maintenance portion of this manual provides guidance to unit level maintenance personnel. The purpose of eachassembly, subassembly, and general overall locomotive maintenance procedure is given. Also included is ageneral troubleshooting guide to aid in removal, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair, assembly, andinstallation of components. General functions of the main features are given as an aid to provide a conciseunderstanding of major and minor components.1-2. MAINTENANCE FORMS, RECORDS, AND REPORTSDepartment of the Army forms and procedures used for equipment maintenance will be those prescribed by DA PAM738-750, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).1-3. DESTRUCTION OF ARMY MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY USERefer to TM 750-244-3, Procedures for Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use, for information and instructionscovering destruction of Army materiel.1-1
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