TM 55-2210-223-34
TO 45A2-2-14-22
NO. 8 VENT VALVE (cont)
Drycleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in
a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes and don't breathe vapors. Do not use
near open flame or excessive heat. The flash point is 100 138°F (38 59°C). If you become dizzy, get
fresh air and medical aid immediately. If contact with eyes is made, wash your eyes and get medical aid
Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi (207 kPa). Do not direct compressed
air against skin. Use goggles or full face shield.
Use a cloth dampened with drycleaning solvent and remove grease and oil from exterior and interior of body.
Use drycleaning solvent and clean metal parts. Dry with compressed air.
10. Inspect metal parts for cracks, breaks, cuts, or other damage. Replace damaged parts.
11. Check that spring is not rusted or distorted or has taken a permanent set. Replace damaged spring.
12. Check that exhaust valve seat is not scratched or scored. If exhaust valve seat is damaged, recondition by the
Lap exhaust valve seat with lapping compound using a front-to-back motion.
Use compressed air and remove foreign matter from exhaust valve seat.
Use a cloth dampened with drycleaning solvent and clean exhaust valve seat.
13. Check that exhaust valve seal is not cracked or cut. Replace damaged exhaust valve seal.
14. Use silicone grease and lubricate O-rings, O-ring grooves in spool valves, and bushings into which piston valves
enter. Use a clean lint-free cloth and remove excess lubricant.
15. Use triple valve oil and lubricate piston stem guides.