TM 55-2210-224-34
Subject, Paragraph
Main air reservoir, 3-59
Main air reservoir safety valve, 3-60
Main generator:
Description, 1-9
Maintenance, 3-37
Main reservoir air tanks, 1-9
Maintenance forms, records, and
reports, 1-2
Master controller, 1-9
Materials, expendable, App B
Mechanism, controller, 3-34
Motor kill relay, 3-25
Motor mounts, 4-10
Motors traction assembly:
Description, 1-9
Maintenance, 3-64
Multiple-unit receptacle, 3-19
NFR distributing valve:
Repair, 4-13
Replace, 3-47
NFR distributing valve safety valve,
No. 8 vent valve:
Repair, 4-14
Replace, 3-49
No. 24 double check valve, 3-54
Oil pressure gages, 3-11
Oil pressure gage, air compressor, 3-16
Painting, 2-7
Power contactor, 3-24
Preparation for storage or shipment, 1-3
Principles of operation, 1-11
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
(QA/QC), 1-4
Quarterly and annual checks and serv-
ices, introduction to, 2-5
Subject, Paragraph
Description, 1-9
Repair, 4-7
Replace, 3-41
Engine heater, 3-20
Multiple-unit, 3-19
References, App A
Repair parts:
Intermediate direct support mainte-
nance, 3-3
Intermediate general support mainte-
nance, 4-3
Locomotive maintenance instructions,
Reporting equipment improvement
recommendations (EIR), 1-6
Reservoir, air:
Description, 1-9
Maintenance, 3-59
Battery charging, 3-31
Gage light, 3-33
Headlight, 3-32
Wheel slip relay, 3-33
Reverser, 3-28
Rubber seated check valve, 3-56
Safety relay, 3-25
Safety valve, 6-NFR distributing valve, 3-48
Safety warning bell operating valve, 3-8
Sandboxes and sand controllers, 1-9
Sander control valve, 3-17
Scope, 1-1
Service meter gage, 3-15
Service upon receipt, 2-4
Shunt load meter, 3-29
Shunt field contactor, 3-22
Special tools, TMDE, and support
Intermediate direct support
maintenance, 3-2
Intermediate general support
maintenance, 4-2
Locomotive maintenance
instructions, 2-2
Speed-sensing alternator, 3-35
Index 3