136. Rules and Precautions
g. With proper operation, battery temperature
should not exceed 15 F. more than temperature of
a. Do not work on battery or in battery
outside air.
compartment without first opening the main battery
h. Do not permit oil to drip on the battery. It injures
the sealing compound. Remove oil on the battery
b. Keep all flames away from the battery.
covers, trays, and compound by wiping with a cloth
c. Do not lay any tools on top of battery.
dampened with carbon tetrachloride. Do not pour this
d. Do not tap or connect any load across a part of
liquid on cover or compound, but use it only for
the battery for any purpose whatsoever. If lower than
dampening the cloth used in wiping off the oil.
total battery voltage is needed for any accessory
equipment, use an adequate series resistor for reducing
when cranking the engine do not needlessly hold in the
the total battery voltage to the value desired.
starting button and continue to crank or roll the engine
e. Low electrolyte temperatures temporarily reduce
until the battery becomes exhausted.
the battery capacity.
j. If the battery cranks the engine and the engine
temperatures restores the usual capacity.
fails to start, the fault lies outside of the battery. The
f. Continued and frequent temperatures above
failure to start may be due to a number of causes, either
115 F. shorten battery life. Provide full ventilation in
mechanical or electrical.
warm weather.