(5) Cleanliness of
(c) Tightness and condition of vent
(d) Evidence of electrolyte leakage
132. Monthly Battery Inspection
from any source.
a. Monthly inspections are made to see that
(e) Cleanliness.
Dampness found
'battery is being maintained ill serviceable condition, and
around vents or elsewhere on
the charging equipment is properly adjusted to perform
covers usually contains some acid.
such servicing as may be required by the battery or
Neutralize and remove as instructed
charging equipment.
b. Make this inspection immediately upon the
arrival of the locomotive at the inspection point. Take
133. Annual or Emergency Battery Inspection
the following steps:
a. Make a thorough battery inspection once a year,
(1) Hydrometer or specific gravity readings--
or at any time that severe trouble is indicated by poor
(take before adding water).
hydrometer or specific gravity readings of
b. This inspection is required to make certain that
the cells marked or indicated by the
the battery has been maintained in a good, serviceable
rotating vent plugs ill each half of the
condition, and also to insure that it will deliver
battery, together with the inspection date
satisfactory service until the next annual inspection.
and initials of inspector.
Take the following steps:
(2) Electrolyte level--(take before adding
(1) Hydrometer or specific gravity readings-
(take before adding water). Record the
(a) Record the electrolyte level or
hydrometer or specific gravity readings of
height above the splash cover (to
all cells together with the date and
nearest 1/8 inch in cells marked by
inspectors initials.
rotating vent plug in each half of the
(2) Addition of water. Add water to all cells
and enter record of addition on battery
(b) If level has lowered more than 1/2
card, with date and initials of inspector.
inch since last monthly inspection,
(3) Cell voltage readings.
Record the
find reason and correct it. Refer to
voltages of all cells, on charge either at
the FINISHING rate or with the engine
(3) Temperature.
Check temperature of
idling. Also record the amperes charging
several cells by touch and if above
(4) Comparative cell readings.
(a) Record or check mark cell number,
readings of the highest and the
If cells seem warm by touch, take a
lowest cell in the battery.
thermometer reading of electrolyte.)
(b) For future comparison, record
Make sure the voltage regulator is
electrolyte heights above splash
covers to nearest 1/8", electrolyte
temperatures, and sediment depths
in these two cells. Also record the
(4) Addition of water. Add water to all cells
temperature of the air around the
and enter record of addition on battery
(c) If the LOW READING cell is lower
(5) Rotating vent plugs. Advance the rotating
than it should be (voltage 0.20 volts
vent plugs to the next cells in the series
below average and specific gravity
40 points below highest reading
(6) Voltage regulator setting. Record the
cell), locate the cause and correct it.
voltage regulator setting AS FOUND and
AS LEFT, together with the date and
Do not move rotating vent plugs
(7) Check by touch or visually.
during this inspection.
(a) Tray blocking.
(b) Inter-tray and terminal wiring, and
(5) Voltage regulator. During the annual or
all bolted connections.
emergency inspection, thoroughly