point or to decrease the range and back it off to lower
113. Regulation and Adjustment
the cutting-in point or to increase the range.
a. Loosen checknuts (37 and 37') and screw cutout
regulating stem (32) down until the desired cutting-out
b. This governor needs very little attention after
point is reached. Then screw down cut-in regulating
being properly adjusted except to be cleaned and oiled
stem (32') to as nearly the same tension as can be
at some stated interval, say once a year. When
judged under ordinary observation. If, when the cutting-
cleaning and oiling the governor, a few drops of good oil
out point is reached, the range is not as desired, screw
should be placed on the surface passed over by the
the cut-in regulating stem down to raise the cutting-ill
cutting-in and cutting-out valves. See also that the
exhaust opening is free from dirt or gum.
114. Ventilation
116. Bolted Connections
a. A free flow of outside air over and around the
a. Before connecting up the battery, clean the
battery helps to dissipate heat and to prevent
contact surfaces of the solid lead terminal posts with a
excessively high operating temperatures, especially if
wire brush. The lead coated copper lugs or intertray
the voltage regulator is not functioning properly or if the
connectors must not be scraped or cleaned with a wire
locomotive is operating in a very warm climate. A well
brush, as the thin lead coating may be completely
ventilated battery compartment promotes long battery
b. Apply a thin coat of petrolatum or vaseline to all
b. The screens (which should be 1/4-inch mesh)
contact surfaces and connector bolts.
over the ventilating openings, must be kept clean and
not allowed to fill up with dirt or paint. Therefore, before
c. Tighten connector bolts securely by using two
placing the battery trays in the compartment make sure
wrenches, not over 6 inches (preferably box type) one
that all ventilating openings meet these requirements.
on each connector bolt nut. The use of two wrenches
Lack of ventilation is one cause of high battery
lessens the strain on the battery terminal posts.
d. After all connections have been securely
tightened, they should be gone over and tightened a
115. Blocking and Cables
second time. Wipe off all connections with a clean cloth
a. Arrange battery terminal leads and intertray
to remove the surplus grease.
connectors to prevent undue strain on the battery
e. Heavy currents are required to
start a
terminal posts.
engine. Tight and clean connections will help prevent
b. The cables should not rest on the intercell
starting failures.
connectors, and should be of ample length, and
f. Remove corrosion on connector bolts, lugs and
arranged to prevent crushing between trays, or trays and
cables by washing in a hot soda solution, consisting of
battery compartment. Any rubbing action may destroy
one pound of commercial bicarbonate of soda to one
the insulation and result in grounds.
gallon of water. Severe cases of corrosion are removed
c. It is essential that the battery be well blocked in
more quickly, and effectively, if the solution is near the
the compartment to prevent excessive movement.
boiling point.
d. Clearance between battery and blocking at
g. Always wash the cleaned parts thoroughly ill
sides, back and front, should normally be about one-
clean water and dry.
eighth of an inch.
e. Blocking for monobloc trays should be high
117. Voltage Regulator Adjustment
enough to bear against reinforcing strips on the sides
a. Since current from the battery starts the engine
and ends of the trays. The end blocking should not be
by using the main generator as a starting motor, this
higher than 9 inches above the tray bottoms. The side
current, and any other current supplied by the battery
blocking must engage both the upper and lower
must be restored to the battery in service, by the
container ribs. Do not wedge.