TM 55-2200-001-12
Change 4
The purpose of the loading study is to:
Find and designate flat wagons suitable for transporting the equipment to be loaded (several
wagon/load combinations are generally possible for the same item of equipment).
Define the specific loading conditions (location on the wagons, number of items which can be loaded,
partial dismantling, etc.).
Check the compatibility with the loading gauge.
A traffic study of the carrying wagon/load unit is necessary to determine the suitable route and the traffic
constraints on that route when the loading study concludes that:
The GIC is exceeded (Note (5)).
The load limits of the normal category of the railway lines are exceeded (Note (6)).
Classification and Marking of Flat Wagons
Aim and Applicability
The classification of wagons is to facilitate:
The designation of flat wagons required.
The control of loading.
The monitoring of special flat wagons by the Central European Clearing Office.
The classification applies to most of the flat wagons of the European Railways and to the wagons
belonging to the Armed Forces and registered as privately owned ones, which are stationed in Allied
Command Europe.
Basis for the Classification of Wagons
Although it is based on the uniform marking adopted by the UnionInternationale des Chemins de Fer
(UIC), the European classification system for flat wagons refers to those minimum characteristics
presented by the equipment on hand in the railways rolling stock which give a better definition of
their ability of transporting military equipment, namely:
Usable floor length.
For traffic over SNCF lines. On the other railways, the traffic study will be carried out in the event of
incompatibility with the loading gauge of the railway concerned.
In accordance with UIC leaflet 700 - Line Classification.
Change 4 BB-6