TM 55-2200-001-12
Change 4
Classification Marking on Flat Wagons:
Purpose of the Marking. The purpose of marking the flat wagons is to simplify their identification
when writing a request for military transport by rail.
Execution. The marking reproduces the number of the category to which the wagon belongs: the
shapes, dimensions, colours and positions of the markings on the wagons are defined at Annex B,
and at Annex C for the Italian wagons.
Unclassified Wagons Suitable for Military Transports. Some special wagons which are particularly
suitable for certain transports (low bed, and some UK armed forces wagons) have not been classified
into numbered categories (Note (7)). In order not to miss the opportunity to use them, they are
designated by the marking UIC (alphabetic lettering and 11 digit numbers in the documents, and
particularly in the sketchbook). Only the UK armed forces wagons have received the marking shown
at Annex B, but the number is replaced by the letters UK.
9. Designation of the Ordinary Flat Wagons Used for Transporting Ordinary Equipment
Parallel Classification. A large number of ordinary equipment, which does only require a loading study in
advance, can be transported on the four categories of ordinary flat wagons listed at Annex D. This has
permitted the establishment of a parallel system of classification based on a comparison of the
characteristics of ordinary equipment and those of ordinary flat wagons.
Classification Criteria of Ordinary Equipment. The classification of ordinary equipment is based on the
following considerations:
Maximum weight of equipment, combat ready (excluding personnel).
Weight distribution, which is calculated as a function of the length of the bearing surface (tracks,
skids...) or the wheelbase (wheeled equipment).
Maximum length, which must not exceed the usable length of the wagon taking into account the
Regulations of the RIV Annex II, and a loading tolerance of + 100 mm.
Characteristics of the relevant British flat wagons:
Usable floor length
12.2 m
Usable width
3.09 m
Wheel base
9.15 m
Height of floor unladen
1.355 m
Permissible load
40 to 58 metric tonnes
Concentrated load
51 metric tonnes/3.5 m.
Change 4 BBB-8