TM 55-2200-001-12
Change 3
Section No. 1-General Rule (Rev.-9-1984)
Nails or spikes in the blocking should, when practicable, be driven vertically. Where It is specified In a specific
figure that predrilling is required, predrilling will depend on the species of wood used to avoid splitting and to facilitate the
proper application of nails.
Unless otherwise specified, i-he length of nails, used in the assembly of blocking consisting of two or more
pieces, must be at least one inch longer than the thickness of the block member, and unless otherwise specified one nail
shall be used at each point of contact, equally spaced, for each two inches of width or fraction thereof.
When steel floored cars are furnished in lieu of wood floored cars, any floor blocking or metal anchor plates
required under figures or rules to be nailed to wood floors, must be bolted to steel floors.
All floor blocking applied to control lateral movement of load on cars equipped with nailable steel flooring must
extend, through the use of back-up blocking, to the sides of the car. In the case of flat cars, back-up blocking must
extend to the stub stakes, when stub stakes are required. This requirement does not apply to the Composite or
Combination wood and steel type nailable flooring.
The use of inflatable dunnage bag for the purpose of securing or blocking a load is prohibited unless otherwise
provided for in a specific figure.
It is the intent that separators, where specified, must be one piece, except If over 5 in. high, they
may be built up of lumber of suitable strength. Not applicable to Forest Products Loading Section
No. 5.)
Rule 10. Stakes-Requirement, Quality, Dimension, Tying, Application of.
Unless otherwise provided for in the Individual figures of Section Nos. 2 to 6 inclusive, when more than fifty (50)
per-cent of top layer of multiple tiered load extends above the top of the car side or ends, side stakes must be used.
Lumber for stakes must be in accordance with General Rule 3. Substitute, it desired, suitable metal sections of
equal strength. When metal items are specified, substitutions cannot be made.
Green saplings of the species listed in General Rule 3 may be substituted for sawed stakes only when specified
under the figures: A green sapling is a recently cut young tree in which the moisture content still exceeds the saturation
point and the ratio of sapwood to heartwood, on a radius from bark to center, is at least 2 to 1. When used, they must be
tapered to fully ft the stake pocket.
The alternate use of laminated side stakes is permissible under all figures, except for poles; stakes to be
laminated in the following manner: Material to conform with requirements of this rule and all pieces used to be full length
of completed stake. Stakes may be made up of two pieces of 2 in. x 6 in. rough or surfaced lumber. If surfaced lumber
is used, a suitable tiller piece, not less than 2 ft. long, must be secured with two 8-D nails to the side of the stake in the
stake pocket. so as to completely fill the stake pocket and the stake wedged in the conventional manner. The laminated
pieces must be straight and contact at least 80 per cent of the adjoining surfaces. The pieces must be joined with 16-D
nails spaced 9 inches apart and staggered, applying approximately an equal number from each side. Stakes must be
applied with edges of lamination toward the load.
Residual cores from veneer logs are not acceptable as stakes.
Unless otherwise specified, the dimensions of sawed stakes must be as follows: For cars having sides less than
30 in. high, 4 in. x 5 in. For cars having sides 30 in. high or over, 4 in. x 4 in. The diameter of green saplings used
instead of 4 in. x 5 in. stakes must be 5 in., and when used instead of 4 In. x 4 in., they must be 4 1/2 in., measured
midway between top and bottom.