TM 55-2210-224-12
Attach chains to chain binders that are mounted to sides of the flatcar, making sure each chain is pulling in
the opposite direction from the other. Chains should be attached to the chain binders so that they are as
tight as possible before binders are locked down. Lock down each chain binder and recheck each chain for
proper tension. Tighten chain if necessary.
Safety-wire handles of chain binders to prevent accidental opening during transit.
Raise stabilizing jacks mounted under flatcar to stowage position and secure with U-bolts and hardware
retained in step (6) above.
Disassemble loading ramp and retain hardware with flatcar.
Use hardware retained in step (3) above and bolt portable ramp sections together in two equal stacks.
Portions of ramp may need to be turned over to allow proper stacking.
Use a suitable lifting device and place one stack on each end of the flatcar.
Use two strands of 3/4-inch (19.1 mm) chain for each stack and chain binders and secure ramp sections to
the flatcar.
Safety wire handles of chain binders.
Disconnect batteries and mask exhaust stack ports on locomotive.
Make a final inspection of flatcar and locomotive. Make sure chains, chain binders, stabilizing jacks, and
ramp sections are secure on flatcar. Place unused chains and hardware used with flatcar in stowage
boxes on flatcar.
Unloading Procedures.
Care shall be taken when disengaging chain binders from the portable ramp. The chain binder
may snap open and cause injury or death to personnel.
Care shall be taken after chains are removed from portable ramp. Sections may shift and fall,
causing injury or death to personnel.
Unloading shall be done on level straight track. Before starting unloading procedures, be sure
transporter flatcar is braced and brake is applied to prevent movement.
Remove safety wire, release chain binders, and remove chains securing portable ramps. Chains and chain
binders must remain with the flatcar.