Sec. 4-Fig. 39 (Rev.-12-1969)
Item No. of Pcs.
Brake wheel clearance. See Fig. 2, Sec. 1.
8 for four wheel
6 in. x 8 in. x 24 in. blocks, Sketch 1. Locate 45 degree portion of block against front and rear
trucks and 8 or
of front wheels, in front of outside intermediate wheels and in back of outside rear wheels for
12 for six wheel
units weighing 8,000 lbs. or less, and against front and rear of front wheels, front of inter-
mediate wheels and in back of rear wheels for units weighing over 8,000 lbs. Nail heel of block
to floor with three 40-D nails and toe-nail that portion under tire to floor with two 40-D nails
before Items "D" and "E" are applied. Substitute, if desired, at each location, blocks, Sketch 2,
or blocks, Sketch 3, each secured to floor with four 30-D nails. Substitute, if desired, two -1/2
in. x 3 1/2, in. lag screws and one 20-D nail for the four O-D nails in block, Sketch 3. Vertical
holes, slightly smaller than the diameter of the lag screws, must be drilled through all such
blocks. They must be screwed, and not driven into position. For military vehicles, substitute if
desired, at each location, blocks Sketch 6, each secured to floor with eight 60-D nails. Secure
facing piece to block with six 30-D nails.
2 in. x 4 in. x 12 in. cleats. Locate one end against block, Sketch 3, lengthwise of car, and nail
to floor with four 20-D nails. Not required when blocks, Sketches 1 or 2, are used with Items
1 ea.
Item "E". Suitable material, such as waterproof paper, burlap, etc. Locate bottom portion under
Items "E", top portion to extend 2 in. above Items "E". Use optional.
4 for four wheel
Each to consist of two pieces of 2 in. x 4 in. x 36 in. Nail lower piece to floor with four 20-D
trucks and 6 for
nails and top piece to the one below with four 20-D nails. Substitute, if desired, at each
six wheel trucks.
location, one 3 in. x 3 in. x 12 in. hardwood block, beveled at top to prevent chafing. Secure
to floor with four 50-D nails in each. Vertical holes, slightly smaller than the diameter of the
50-D nails, must be drilled through blocks.
2 ea. axle, or 1
1 in. No. 14 B. W. gage hot rolled steel, with anchor plates, Sketch 4. Locate over axle, spring
ea. spring or
or spring shackle, and secure each plate to floor with eight 20-D cement-coated nails. Substitute,
spring shackle.
if desired, at each location, 4 strands, No. 9 gage wire, passed over axle, spring or spring
shackle, underneath and around Item "G", twisted taut. Not required when Items "H" or "K" are
1 ea. Item "F".
2 in. x 4 in. x 18 in. cleats. Bolt to floor, lengthwise of car, with two 3/8 in. bolts, with washers
under floor. Not required when steel straps, Items "F", or when Items "H" or "K" are used.
2 ea. axle or 1 ea. "J" bolt, Sketch 5. Apply, as shown, to axle, spring or spring shackle. Not required when Items
spring or spring
"F" or "K" are used.
shackle for four
wheel trucks, and
for six wheel
trucks weighing
22,000 lbs. or less;
2 ea. on 2 axles, or
1 ea. spring or
spring shackle.
Units weighing
over 22,000 lbs.;
2 on each axle,
or 1 on each front
spring or spring
shackle and 2 on
each rear spring
or spring shackle.
4 ea. unit.
Four strands No. 8 gage wire. Attach to each corner of unit and to stake pockets of car. Twist
taut. Substitute. if desired, 1/2 in. steel cable, doubled. Not required for units loaded in
gondola cars.
**K 4 or 6 as required.
Four strands No. 8 gage black annealed wire. Pass through spokes or holes in disc wheels and
through stake pockets, twist taut with a rod or bolt. Not required when Items "F", "G" or "H" are
Items "F", "G" and "H" not required on fiat cars provided two additional 4 strand No. 8 gage wire ties or two 1/2
in. steel cables, doubled, are applied, suitably located on each side of unit, attached to frame and stake pockets of car.
*This figure is not to be used for military vehicles. For military vehicles see Fig. 88-A, Sec. 6.
**Not shown in drawing.