TM 55-2200-001-12
Change 4
Jeg bekraefter, at DSBs bestemmelser for sikring af militaere keretojer, RIV bilag 2 afsnit V, er rigtig overholdt.
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(Navn, stilling, adresse)
Certifico che le prescrizioni di cui al punto 30 dell'allegato II al R.I.V., relative all'assicurazions dei materiali
militari presentati allo scambio, sono rispettate.
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(Firma, nome, indirizzo, grado o funzione nella societá)
Ik verklaar dat de bepalingen betreffende het vastzetten van militaire wiel - en rupsvoertuigen, vermeld in de
"Voorschriften voor het beladen van Goederenwagens" van de N.V. Nederlandse Spoorweeen (VBG, Deel IV,
Hoofdstuk II), nauwkeurig in acht zijn genomen.
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(Naam, rang en adres of functie in de firma)
The English version is as follows (only for translation purposes):
"I confirm that the provisions of the ..... (originating administration) according to ..... (loading regulations of the
originating administration, paragraph, item) for the securing of military vehicles have well been complied with."
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(Name, Address, Rank or function in the firm)
In international traffic (entrance, transit) the railway administrations concerned recognize the certificate of
confirmation given to the originating administration in accordance with paragraph A above. If such certificates of
confirmation should be missing in the freight warrant they may subsequently be obtained from the transferee
railway at the border.
Change 4 AA-21