TM 55-2210-224-12
Control or Indicator
Function or Use
Horn and Windshield Wiper
Opens or closes air line to horn and windshield
Cutout Cock
Dead Engine Valve
Opens or closes the dead engine air line.
Double-Ported Cutout Cock
Opens or closes the air line from the
independent brake valve to the relay air valve
and distributing valve.
Governor Override Cutout
Opens or closes the air supply line to the air
compressor governor.
Brake Pipe Branch Pipe
Opens or closes brake pipe air line to the
Cutout Cock
distributing valve.
Main Reservoir Equalizing
Open or closes main reservoir equalizing pipe
Pipe Cutout Cock
air line for multiple-unit operation. There are
four cocks, one on each corner of locomotive.
Actuating Pipe Cutout Cock
Opens or closes actuating pipe air line for
multiple-unit operation. There are four cocks,
one on each corner of locomotive.
Independent Application
Opens or closes independent application and
and Release Pipe Cutout Cock
release pipe air line for multiple-unit
operation. There are four cocks, one on each
corner of locomotive.
Main Air Reservoirs Cutout
Opens or closes main reservoir air line.
Secondary Air System Cutout
Opens or closes secondary air system air line.
Brake Cylinder Cutout Cocks
Opens or closes air line to brake cylinders, one
cock each for front and rear trucks.
Sander Cutout Cocks
Opens or closes air line to sander control
valves. One cock each for front and rear trucks.