(6) Precautions.
(a) Use long fibre wool waste. Keep
waste TEASED UP.
(b) Use waste that has been well
saturated with clean oil.
(c) Use a clean oil of high quality and
correct grade.
(d) Keep oil and waste in closed cans.
(e) Pour oil in the oil well.
(f) See that oil box lids are closed.
c. Gear Lubrication. The teeth of the gear and
pinion should never appear dry, but should be well
covered with lubricant.
40. Main Journals
Figure 7. Method of packing journal boxes.
a. Pack the main journals as frequently as service
conditions may require.
poured into the well it will overflow;
b. Use a good grade of wool waste soaked in oil,
this is a waste of oil.
as specified on figure 5, for at least 24 hours and
drained for about 6 hours. Keep the temperature of the
(b) The height of oil measured from the
oil and room in which the waste is drained at about 60
bottom of the chamber, using a
flexible gauge, should be as follows:
c. Pack a
roll of
drained waste, marked A on
1. Maximum 2.375"
7, tightly half-way around the journal at
the back end
2. Minimum 1.125"
and bottom of the box as shown. Place packing marked
(4) Inspection and oiling periods. Bearings of
B in position with moderate pressure against the journal
this type, if in good condition, properly
but sufficient to make good contact, applying the waste
packed with ling-fibre wool waste, and
somewhat looser at the sides of the box to prevent
supplied with a good grade of oil, should
wiping effect. The packing should not extend higher
run from 1,000 to 1,100 miles between
than the center of the journal.
oiling periods. It is advisable for each
d. After packing is completed, pour free oil over
operator to work out in actual service the
the waste along the sides of the box near the center.
most suitable oiling schedule to fit the
Place a wad of semidry waste C, figure 7, between the
operating conditions of his equipment.
end of the journal and front end of the box as shown, the
Such a schedule may be determined
purpose of which is to serve as a dirt collector and can
largely by the system of inspection of the
easily be renewed as required.
other equipment on the traction unit.
When inspecting bearings, carefully wipe
all dirt from the oil box lid before it is
Refer to TM 55-2034 and figure 5 for lubrication
(5) Repacking periods. Repack the bearings
after they have been in service for 50,000
miles as a maximum, or at least once a
Refer to TM 55-2029 and figure 5 for lubrication
year. When repacking bearings, remove
all the waste and discard that which is
glazed and charred; refill the bearings
43. Diesel Engines
with good, clean, oil waste to which has
Refer to TM 55-1046 and figure 5 for lubrication
been added sufficient new waste to allow
for any old waste discarded or destroyed.
About once in three months, TEASE UP
44. Miscellaneous Equipment
the waste in the bearings to make it more
Figure 5 covers complete lubrication instructions
for all equipment not included in the above paragraphs.