screws retaining engine front supports and generator
d. Handbrake. Remove four cap screws retaining
supports. Slide engine generator unit toward bumper
handbrake head to cap. Lift handbrake head off from
until unit clears cab front sheet. The engine-generator
handbrake staff. To replace reverse this procedure.
unit can now be removed from locomotive. To replace
reverse this procedure.
31. Compressor Assembly
b. Traction Motors. Disconnect all air and sanding
lines and traction motor leads between truck and main
of cab. Remove four bolts retaining compressor door
Disconnect handbrake on No.
2 truck.
angle support. Disconnect drain line. Disconnect
Disconnect speedometer cable.
Remove four cap
delivery and governor air lines. Loosen four nuts
screws from each truck stop casting (two per truck). De-
holding compressor to adjusting base. Push compressor
wheel locomotive. Remove traction bellows. Remove
inward. Remove belts. Remove four cap screws
plates over traction motor spring retaining ends. Lift
holding compressor to sub base. Slide compressor out
traction motor by lifting lug at back of traction motor
through opening in side of locomotive. To replace use
housing. Remove motor suspension spring hangers.
reverse procedure.
Remove four traction motor gear housing cap screw
b. Compressor Governor. Remove panel on left
retainers. Traction motor gear housing can now be
side of locomotive. Disconnect two air pipes from
removed. Remove eight bolts holding traction motor
governor unit.
Remove two cap screws holding
axle gearing. Tie into front lifting lugs with lifting device.
governor to locomotive frame. Governor can now be
Raise straight up. Traction motor can now be removed
removed from locomotive. To replace use reverse
from truck proper. To replace use reverse procedure.
c. Auxiliary Generator. Loosen auxiliary generator
base adjusting screw. Remove belt. Remove wiring at
32. Drawgear
terminal box. Remove four bolts holding generator to
a. Coupler. Remove yoke pin from coupler chain.
generator adjusting base. Lift auxiliary generator up
Remove coupler pin. Coupler can now be removed
through floor hatch between two main generators. To
from locomotive. To replace use reverse procedure.
replace reverse this procedure.
b. Draft Gear Yoke. Remove six double nuts
d. Batteries. Disconnect all cables. Open center
holding draft gear retainer. Draft gear can now be
door on each side of cab. Remove retaining bars.
removed from locomotive. To replace use reverse
Insert battery lifter. Lift batteries and slide out of cab
side door. To replace reverse this procedure.
Remove waste from journal box. Place jack under
35. Radiator
journal box jacking pad. Raise box by actuating jack
Disconnect shutter control lever.
until clearance is sufficient to remove brass. To replace
radiator grill and shutter assembly by removing 18 cap
brasses use reverse procedure.
screws. Disconnect pipes on oil cooler. Remove cap
screws retaining oil cooler. Remove oil cooler. Remove
34. Electrical Equipment
oil cooler support angle at bottom of radiator unit.
a. Main Generator. Disconnect all wiring, piping,
Remove core by removing four cap screws per core. To
and gauge lines from engine-generator unit. Remove all
replace use reverse procedure.
hood doors. Remove lubricating oil filter and lubricating
oil supply tank. Disconnect and remove shutter rod.
36. Radiator Shutters
Remove heater and heater fuel tank. Disconnect air
Remove shutter control lever. Remove 18 cap
supply line to horn. Remove precleaners. Remove
screws retaining grill and shutter assembly. To replace
exhaust pipe housing from cab and hood. Remove cap
use reverse procedure.
screws which hold U-bolt exhaust clamp to cab front
Remove wind sheet which encloses main
generator. Remove hood top. Disconnect radiator
piping. Remove radiator front section. Remove cap