inspection will show whether the greasing
37. Traction Generator
schedule has been satisfactory or should
a. The generator is
equipped with a
single bearing
be changed in the future.
at the commutator end. To insure continued satisfactory
operation of this bearing it must be properly lubricated
b. Axle Bearings.
and all dirt or other foreign matter excluded from contact
(1) Description. These bearings are sleeve
with the bearing. The lubricant used, which is grease, is
type arranged for oil and waste
held in the bearing chamber and around the bearing by
two steel labyrinth seals, one at each side of the
through an axle bearing. In order to
bearing. The bearing is provided with an overflow for
obtain satisfactory results with these
excess grease. Avoid over-lubrication of these bearings
bearings it is important to use a suitable
as well as under-lubrication.
grade of waste, good oil, and to pack the
b. Refer to LO
55-1279, figure 5, for lubrication
waste into the bearing in the proper
instructions. If grease leakage or overflow is noticed, a
period longer than that recommended between
(2) Packing the bearing.
greasings should be allowed. Thoroughly clean the
(a) The proper packing of bearings is of
fittings before adding grease so as not to force dirt into
the utmost of importance; poor
the bearing with the grease.
packing is responsible for a large
percentage of hot bearings.
38. Auxiliary Generator
(b) Use
This generator is equipped with two bearings,
previously saturated in oil for at
which are held in position on the shaft by the housings
least 24 hours and drained on a
and inner bearing caps. Lubrication will be similar to
screen or grate for several hours.
(c) The oil is drawn up from the oil well
39. Traction Motor
to the bearing by the capillary
a. Armature Bearings.
attraction in the strands of waste
(1) The armature bearing housings are
and it is, therefore essential for
arranged for grease lubrication through
proper lubrication to provide a
alemite fittings. Lubricate the bearings
continuous path for the oil flow.
This means that longstrand wool
Thoroughly clean fittings before adding
waste must be used and that waste
grease so as not to force dirt into the
must be in actual contact with the
bearing with the grease.
(2) The length of time between greasings and
(d) The first step in packing the bearing
the correct amount of grease for proper
is to prepare wicks from a bunch of
bearing lubrication depend upon the
oiled waste. Make the pieces of
severity of service and the number of
packing into skein forms of
hours of operation. If grease leakage or
sufficient length to reach from the
overflow is noticed, a period longer than
bottom of the waste chamber up to
about six inches above the seat for
the waste chamber cover. Twist the
(3) Over-greasing of the bearings may be as
skeins about one complete turn in
harmful as under-greasing and is to be
order to hold all of the strands of
avoided. Over-greasing is indicated by
yarn in place to produce a spring
leakage of excess grease out through the
wick. Pack as many skeins as
labyrinth seals where it gets oil to the
possible in the waste chamber,
brushes, commutator, and windings.
starting at the inner end of the
Examine the labyrinth seals regularly and
bearing and working outward. It is
if grease has been forced out, either
important that the bearing window
decrease the amount of grease to be
be completely covered with the
added or lengthen the time between
skein. Allow the upper ends of the
skein to hang out over the seat
(4) A careful check of the condition of the
bearings when the equipment is
dismantled for repair or for routine