(6) The sanders of all locomotives in the train
and fuel pump circuit breaker. Set the
controller handle in the OFF position.
are wired so that sand is always supplied
to the leading side of the driving wheels
(5) After the engines are all firing, the
even though one locomotive is in
operation from that point on is the same
FORWARD and the other locomotive is in
as for a single locomotive. However, the
operator should note whether all
(7) All engines on the remote locomotives are
locomotives are operating as they should.
stopped when the REM. ENG. STOP
A dragging locomotive is worse than
pushbutton is pushed on the controlling
high flame and get the fullest possible use
23. Kerosene-Burning Heaters
out of each wick.
a. How to Set Wick. Before operating your heater
see that the wick is properly set in the following manner
b. Fuel. Use only a good grade of kerosene.
Never use gasoline or mixtures containing gasoline.
(1) Remove the drum A so that you can see
c. How to Light. Fill the oil reservoir and see that
the wick clearly.
all parts of the burner are in place as shown in figure 1,
with the drum A in raised position. Drum is raised by
(2) Turn hand wheel G until the indicating
means of a small handle M in the slot below the feed
pointer H is at the hole in the dial.
pipe. Turn the handwheel to the right until indicator
(3) With the thumb of the right hand press the
pointer rests against wick stop. Light the wick in several
pointer through the hole as shown in
places, then lower drum gently in place by lowering
handle M in the slot. Turn drum to the right and left by
(4) With the left hand turn the handwheel
means of handle B to make sure that it rests evenly on
raising or lowering the wick until the wick
the wick tube flange L. Three to five minutes are
top is 1/16 above the top of the wick
required for the flame to reach its fullest height. The
tubes; then release pointer. The wick is
high flame should be clear blue in color but when burner
now properly adjusted.
has been operating at LOW and is turned to HIGH it will
(5) It is occasionally necessary to reset the
burn yellow for a short time.
wick as it burns down in order to restore
Figure 1. Cross section of kerosene burner.