TM 55-2210-224-34
11. Inspect contact surfaces for burning or wear.
12. Check contact finger pressure as follows:
a. Use spring scale connect to contact loop.
b. Insert a strip of paper between the closed stationary contact and movable fingers.
c. Pull on the spring scale until the finger separates enough to allow the paper to move. Scale value should be 3/4
to 1 inch (19 to 25 mm).
13. Inspect resistor for cracks, breaks, and signs of burning.
Do not use sandpaper or emery cloth to file contacts.
14. Replace damaged resistor or badly worn, burned, or pulled contacts. Contacts may be filed smooth with a fine file.
15. Use multimeter and check the contacts and fingers individually. Make a resistance test to check that the contacts
and fingers open and close while moving the throttle from STOP to THROTTLE 8 position.
16. Use multimeter and test resistor (18). Make a resistance test to check that the resistance is 300 ohms ±5%.
17. Install spacer (20), mica washer (19), resistor (18), mica washer (17), spacer (16), flat washer (15), lockwasher (14),
and screw (13). Connect wires and remove tags.
18. Position contact (12) in controller and install two connectors (11), lockwashers (10), and screws (9).
19. Repeat step 18 and assemble remaining contacts.
20. Position finger assembly (8) in controller and install two connectors (7), spacers (6), lockwashers (5), and screws (4).