TM 55-2210-224-34
3-28. REVERSER (Cont)
45. Install four spacers (71), flat washers (70), and carriage bolts (69). Install four flat washers (68), lockwashers
(67), and nuts (66).
46. Position four supports (65) and five sleeves (64). Install rod (63), two lockwashers (62), and bolts (61).
47. Install four spacers (60), flat washers (59), and carriage bolts (58). Connect four fingers (57) and install four flat
washers (56), lockwashers (55), and nuts (54).
48. Position four supports (53) and five sleeves (52). Position rod (51) and install two lockwashers (50) and bolts
49. Position four spacers (48) and install four flat washers (47) and carriage bolts (46). Connect four fingers (45) and
install four flat washers (44), lockwashers (43), and nuts (42).
50. Install woodruff key (41) and operating lever assembly (40) and install setscrew (38) with locknut (37) and
lockwasher (39).
51. Install pawl assembly (36), bolt (35), lockwasher (34), nut (33), cotter pin (32), and tension spring (31).
52. Position interlock (30) and install two capscrews (29), lockwashers (28), nuts (27), three lockwashers (26), and
screws (25).
53. Position gasket (24) and magnet valve assembly (23) and install two lockwashers (22) and bolts (21).
54. Position gasket (20) and magnet valve assembly (19) and install two lockwashers (18) and bolts (17).
55. Install adapter (16), nipples (15) and (14), tees (12) and (13), adapter (11), pipe plug (10), elbow (9), and hose
56. Position reverser (7) and install four flat washers (6), capscrews (5), flat washers (4), lockwashers (3), and nuts
(2). Connect air line fittings (1).
57. Install electrical wires in accordance with wiring diagram.
58. Manually operate interlock contacts. Use a multimeter and check resistance of fingers for infinity while open and
continuity while closed.
59. Set battery switch to CLOSE and close equipment cabinet door. Start locomotive and build up air pressure and
set reverser to forward and reverse while checking reverser for proper operation.